Singura funcţie a unui maestru este de a te ajuta, să dai deoparte ceea ce te separă de adevărata fiinţă care eşti deja şi de ceea ce ştii deja în adâncul sufletului tău. Un adevărat maestru spiritual nu are nimic de învăţat pe alţii în sensul cunoscut al cuvântului, nu are nimic de dat sau de adăugat ţie, cum ar fi o informaţie nouă, credinţe sau reguli de comportament. The main fundamental differences between the two are Eckhart's mystical view and Tolle's proposed spirituality, and include such issues as ontological issues, the discussion of the creation of the world, changes in the state of consciousness, empiricism, and inner and outer happiness. These two views have much in common in designing ways of mystical union with the supernatural and living in eternity. Assuming similarities, this article tries to compare the topic of the present and eternal life in these two perspectives.

He believes that in this way a new world can be created. Also, Eckhart Tolle, as a contemporary spiritual teacher, sees the emergence of eternal life as a way to end the suffering of mind captivity and entanglement in the cycle of time.

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These changes can help achieve the goal of a life free from suffering. Miester Eckhart, a Dominican Christian mystic, claims that the application of mystical teachings and living in eternity leads to lasting spiritual and physical changes in the wayfarer.